Weaste Cemetery

Biographies of people buried between 1880 & 89

Thomas Jackson (1845 - 1888)

Thomas Jackson was an active member of the Pendleton Society of Spiritualists and died at the relatively young age of 43.


The Salford Reporter of 16th June 1888 records "A spiritualist's funeral was held on Monday (11th June) when the remains of Thomas Jackson, 48, Harrison Street, Pendleton, who died on Thursday at the age of 43 years, were interred in (a common grave at) the Salford Cemetery. The deceased had been a member of Pendleton Society of Spiritualists and was an active member up to the time of his death. His services will be greatly missed on the committee. The procession started from the deceased's residence at about 2 pm, headed by about 150 spiritualists from Pendleton, Salford, Openshaw, Miles Platting and other districts amongst whom were Messrs J.B. Tetlow (a local medium speaker), George Wright (Manchester), B. Plant, Andrew Pearson, A Chadwick, and J. Evans (secretary of the Pendleton Society).


Previous to starting a short service was observed in the open air. The coffin was placed upon two chairs and a short address was given by Mr Tetlow. The procession was then formed and proceeded along Ellor Street, Lower Seedley Road, Langworthy Road, and Eccles New Road. Each of the ladies carried flowers and the gentlemen wore white nosegays. The route was lined by numerous spectators and at the cemetery some 400 persons were assembled. The coffin was covered with beautiful wreathes from Mr and Mrs Boys, Mrs Lascovsky, Mr Handley and others. The committee sent a splendid floral anchor. At the graveside the service was conducted by Mr Tetlow, an address was given by Mr Wright and several hymns were sung.


On Sunday, at the meeting of the society at the Pendleton Co-operative Hall, references were made to the death of Thomas Jackson in touching terms, by Mr Wright and a relief fund for the benefit of the widow and her six children has been commenced."