Weaste Cemetery

How to Find the Cemetery

How to get to the Cemetery:

By Car
Weaste Cemetery is on Cemetery Road just off the A57, Eccles New Road between Eccles and Manchester.

Eccles New Road is serviced by the number 33 Bus, which runs from Manchester to Wigan

The nearest stop is Weaste Metrolink Station. Upon Arrival walk in an eastbound direction (the opposite direction to Eccles)
down Eccles New Road. Cemetery Road is the second road on the right.

We recommend that visitors park on the main cemetery carriageway close to the main roundabout.

Please remember to lock all valuables out of sight.


Unfortunately the longer ecology trail through the woodlands is not accessible to visitors who use wheelchairs or have mobility issues because of the grass path.

Unfortunately there are no toilet facilities at Weaste. There are a number of water taps dotted about to enable visitors to replenish any floral tributes which have been arranged on their graves.

Cemetery Safety
Visitors must remain on paths at all times. It is advisable to wear suitable footwear and outer-garments. Please do not run in the cemetery and remember that respect and quiet must be maintained.